Wednesday, December 8, 2010

School aka Jail.

Princess Margaret Secondary School is a facility of learning about the subjects that you will need to succeed in the world, like math, science, English etc. What the world doesn't know is that it's not a place to make friends and socialize. It is not supposed to be a creative or happy environment. That's why on the outside it's grey and drab like a Jail. That's why there are a profuse number of rules to follow. Making friends is strictly prohibited. The reason why we have school colors is not for school spirit of course, but to limit the students to only three colors; as a result the student's excitement and emotional reaction to life is lessened. We are not forced to wear uniforms because they do not want to make the facts too obvious. Vulnerable and depressed, the students of Princess Margaret Secondary are prone to breakdowns or breakouts. A fact is a fact; school is just the code word for teenage prison!