Friday, October 15, 2010

Good news!

     "Honey. Honey!" Martha nagged.
Dave answered with a monotone "Yes dear."
     "Did you even hear a word I just said?" she huffed.
Dave turned the page of the newspaper that he was currently immersed in and answered with an uninterested "About what dear?"
     "Why must you do this?" Martha shrieked, "it's like you purposely ignore me!" 
     "If your voice didn't get so high pitched," Dave stated with annoyance, "I wouldn't have to ignore you."  
Martha threw her hands up in the air exasperated, "Well I'm sorry I'm so excited about being pregnant!"
     "You're pregnant?"
Dave was in shock. He stammered, "Oh. My. Gosh." Then it really hit him. "You're pregnant!"
Martha stood there watching her husband's features change.
     "I'm going to be a dad!"
Martha jumped up and down, excited to finally have gotten through to her husband. Dave picked her up and twirled in a circle. When Martha's feet touched the ground she clung to Dave and started to cry, but they weren't tears of joy.
     "I'm so scared," she whispered, "what if I'm not good at being a mother."
Dave held her close.
     "You are going to make the best mother this child will ever know!" Dave confidently stated.

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