Monday, November 1, 2010

False Representative!

Everyone knows when a book is made into a movie, the movie doesn't do the book justice. The film Of Mice and Men was adequately done. It followed the script to the letter- all except for a few scenes that were not even in the novel. The characters were decently represented, excluding George. He could have been casted more efficiently. In my eyes, George should have been smaller in size and meaner in spirit. He didn't lash out at Lennie in the movie like he did in the book. George comes across as a 'hardass' in the novel whereas in the film he seemed a bit too gentle. His appearance wasn't what I expected either. He wasn't what I would consider 'short' and he was too broad shouldered. Plus, he shouldn't have been as good-looking as they portrayed him in the film. George looked clean and tidy; as if he could have been a City boy, not a Country bumpkin. Overall, I rate Of Mice and Men a 7 out of 10. A little piece of advice...."Never judge a book by its movie."-Anonymous.

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