Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love at first sight!

It was broad daylight. George was in the barn, putting away a horse, when he heard footsteps. There was something peculiar about the sound. They sounded like raindrops falling on a tin roof. He turned toward the entrance of the barn and saw the silhouette of a girl. She took a step closer and he realized that it was the apple of his eye. Curley's wife. Her hair shone like the sun, like he was lookin' at an angel. He cleared his throat, which caught her attention and she looked up. Their eyes locked and time seemed to stand still.

Curley's wife smoothed down her skirt and said, "Why, hello there George."
     "Oh..um, uh....hello." George stammered nervously.
She giggled at his reply and smiled brightly. She took a few steps closer and George felt his heart skip a beat
     "I have something I've been wanting to tell you for some time now, George."
George just nodded and swallowed.
     "Well, you see....the thing is, I.. um."
The anticipation was killing him.
    "Stop beating around the bush and just say it!" he ordered.
Curley's wife took a deep breath and gushed, "I'm afraid that I have developed deeper feelings toward you!"
George smiled and touched her cheek.
She blushed, knowing he felt the same way and simply asked, "Why?"
    "Your beauty is incomparable to any other."
     "But beauty is a fading flower."
George sighed, "Yes, your outward beauty. Your inner beauty lasts a lifetime."
"Oh George!" She giggled.
Outside they heard a raucous of shuffling feet and raised voices.
They both looked towards the door, frightened that someone would walk in and they would be caught red handedMaybe they bit off more than they could chew.
"I better go before it's too late!" exclaimed Curley's wife.
As she faded into the distance, George mumbled, "It's already too late."

1 comment:

  1. Assignments are well done, Whitney. Good detail. Very well polished, very few mechanical errors. 44/48
