Wednesday, December 8, 2010

School aka Jail.

Princess Margaret Secondary School is a facility of learning about the subjects that you will need to succeed in the world, like math, science, English etc. What the world doesn't know is that it's not a place to make friends and socialize. It is not supposed to be a creative or happy environment. That's why on the outside it's grey and drab like a Jail. That's why there are a profuse number of rules to follow. Making friends is strictly prohibited. The reason why we have school colors is not for school spirit of course, but to limit the students to only three colors; as a result the student's excitement and emotional reaction to life is lessened. We are not forced to wear uniforms because they do not want to make the facts too obvious. Vulnerable and depressed, the students of Princess Margaret Secondary are prone to breakdowns or breakouts. A fact is a fact; school is just the code word for teenage prison!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love is pain.

Hey you must obey
Or you will bleed                                                 Hyperbole
You know I need to get my way
So now you listen up

You are my pup                                                  Metaphor
I beat you up in every way

An' when I speak to you

You answer true                                                  Assonance
Or I will make you black and blue
I love to make you wait
You take the bait
I know you hate and love me too                         Paradox

We are not to blame
For seeing love is pain
An' we are not ashamed
To say that love is pain
An' we'll do it again

You know it OWW                                            Onomatopoeia

I know you're not afraid
'Cause when you stayed
You knew you made the final show
So now you must submit
I'll never quit till you admit
You'll never go

We are not to blame
For seeing love is pain
We are not ashamed
To say that love is pain
You know it

We are not ashamed, we
are not ashamed,
We are not ashamed, we
are not ashamed
To say that love is pain
And we'll do it again

Well said Joan Jett! Love is pain, but we end up falling in it over and over again.
There's alot of poetry terminology hidden in every song. In this particular song, there are a few that stick out.
The whole song is written in first person. There is a bunch of Hyperbole-extreme exaggeration- in each stanza. I don't think Joan Jett would actually make someone "bleed" just because they didn't "obey" her. She uses a metaphor when she calls the guy she's talking to her "pup". He's not actually a dog. Assonance comes in during the 2nd stanza. Also in the 2nd stanza is a paradox. You wouldn't think that it's normal to "hate and love" someone, they contradict each other. When Joan Jett shouts "OWW" at the end of the chorus, that's an example of onomatopoeia.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Behind the curtain.

I saw a shadow slither along the floorboards. Creaking. Quietly, the curtain sighed as it was pushed out of the visitor's way; while I sat at my desk, searching for a face in the dim light. I could tell the figure was an old man by the hunch of his back. As he gradually lowered himself into the chair opposite mine, I was able to see his features. The few visible patches of hair were as white as the first snowfall of winter. The wrinkles in his forehead were past nights full of worry. Now long forgotten. He had eyebrows like lazy clouds drifting above the still, gray waters that were his eyes; still heavy with longing and regret. His mustache reminded me of the long grass on the safari plains, gently swaying with every breath of wind. I couldn't stop staring at his tired, old hands. Clutching a cigarette like a lifeline. They gave the impression of hardships and joyful times, of holding those he's loved and of those he's lost. I didn't know why he was in my office. I didn't care. For some unknown reason, I felt at peace.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The, like, one and only!

Dear Mr/Mrs. Dean (Is that actually your real name?)

I am SO unique! I'm totally positive that you have never met anyone so, like, intelligent and beautiful and as loved as me. Legally Blonde is based on my life. True story! I taught Paris Hilton's dog how to be cute, I showed Models how to walk and I totally got a 'B' in English for, like, being so articulate. Beat that! A's are so overrated.

I volunteer by teaching the blind how to dress fashionably. I'm totally a good Samaritan. On Mondays I go to Pilates, on Tuesdays I baby sit Angelina Jolie's children. On Wednesdays I go shopping, on Thursdays I have dinner and drinks with Arnold and Maria Schwarzenegger. On Fridays I go to a private spa in the Himalayan Mountains. On Saturdays I hire people to clean my house (usually my Mother) and on Sundays I go to church. Jesus loves you! 

People often call me a Goddess, there's even a statue of me in the Queens Garden. People often put my name and 'superbly attractive' in the same sentence. I've performed in a number of operas and when that spotlight hits me I shine brighter than Edward Cullen. People have even made numerous fan clubs dedicated to me! My picture is on your daughter's lunch box.

I hope you know a good thing before it's gone because I'm here and (surprisingly) I'm waiting. Accept me now or forever hold your peace.  Love-well, you should totally know by now!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love at first sight!

It was broad daylight. George was in the barn, putting away a horse, when he heard footsteps. There was something peculiar about the sound. They sounded like raindrops falling on a tin roof. He turned toward the entrance of the barn and saw the silhouette of a girl. She took a step closer and he realized that it was the apple of his eye. Curley's wife. Her hair shone like the sun, like he was lookin' at an angel. He cleared his throat, which caught her attention and she looked up. Their eyes locked and time seemed to stand still.

Curley's wife smoothed down her skirt and said, "Why, hello there George."
     ", uh....hello." George stammered nervously.
She giggled at his reply and smiled brightly. She took a few steps closer and George felt his heart skip a beat
     "I have something I've been wanting to tell you for some time now, George."
George just nodded and swallowed.
     "Well, you see....the thing is, I.. um."
The anticipation was killing him.
    "Stop beating around the bush and just say it!" he ordered.
Curley's wife took a deep breath and gushed, "I'm afraid that I have developed deeper feelings toward you!"
George smiled and touched her cheek.
She blushed, knowing he felt the same way and simply asked, "Why?"
    "Your beauty is incomparable to any other."
     "But beauty is a fading flower."
George sighed, "Yes, your outward beauty. Your inner beauty lasts a lifetime."
"Oh George!" She giggled.
Outside they heard a raucous of shuffling feet and raised voices.
They both looked towards the door, frightened that someone would walk in and they would be caught red handedMaybe they bit off more than they could chew.
"I better go before it's too late!" exclaimed Curley's wife.
As she faded into the distance, George mumbled, "It's already too late."

Monday, November 1, 2010

False Representative!

Everyone knows when a book is made into a movie, the movie doesn't do the book justice. The film Of Mice and Men was adequately done. It followed the script to the letter- all except for a few scenes that were not even in the novel. The characters were decently represented, excluding George. He could have been casted more efficiently. In my eyes, George should have been smaller in size and meaner in spirit. He didn't lash out at Lennie in the movie like he did in the book. George comes across as a 'hardass' in the novel whereas in the film he seemed a bit too gentle. His appearance wasn't what I expected either. He wasn't what I would consider 'short' and he was too broad shouldered. Plus, he shouldn't have been as good-looking as they portrayed him in the film. George looked clean and tidy; as if he could have been a City boy, not a Country bumpkin. Overall, I rate Of Mice and Men a 7 out of 10. A little piece of advice...."Never judge a book by its movie."-Anonymous.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Good news!

     "Honey. Honey!" Martha nagged.
Dave answered with a monotone "Yes dear."
     "Did you even hear a word I just said?" she huffed.
Dave turned the page of the newspaper that he was currently immersed in and answered with an uninterested "About what dear?"
     "Why must you do this?" Martha shrieked, "it's like you purposely ignore me!" 
     "If your voice didn't get so high pitched," Dave stated with annoyance, "I wouldn't have to ignore you."  
Martha threw her hands up in the air exasperated, "Well I'm sorry I'm so excited about being pregnant!"
     "You're pregnant?"
Dave was in shock. He stammered, "Oh. My. Gosh." Then it really hit him. "You're pregnant!"
Martha stood there watching her husband's features change.
     "I'm going to be a dad!"
Martha jumped up and down, excited to finally have gotten through to her husband. Dave picked her up and twirled in a circle. When Martha's feet touched the ground she clung to Dave and started to cry, but they weren't tears of joy.
     "I'm so scared," she whispered, "what if I'm not good at being a mother."
Dave held her close.
     "You are going to make the best mother this child will ever know!" Dave confidently stated.